The Havre Boucher Veteran’s Association was formed in 1987. The purpose of the formation of this Association was twofold. First was to spearhead veteran’s interest in the erection of a cenotaph as a monument to those who served in both World War I and World War II; and second, to hold an annual Remembrance Day ceremony in Havre Boucher. Over the past sixteen years members of this association were very active in carrying out both the annual Remembrance Day Parade and the maintenance of the Cenotaph. As these members grow old and fewer in numbers, it is imperative that some action be taken to ensure that the annual Remembrance Day Parade continues in Havre Boucher and maintenance of the Cenotaph is preservered as a monument to both those who served and those that made the Supreme Sacrifice. In World War I, there were over 75 members of our community that were enlisted. Seven were killed and three wounded. In world War II, 103 members enlisted to serve of which five were killed To ensure the continuation of the above, The Havre Boucher Veterans Association has applied for Society status. In the near future mail contact will be made with all sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters of all Veterans from the Havre Boucher and Area to encourage them to become members of the Association.
An invitation is also extended to the rest of the community to join this worthwhile organization. You do not have to be a relative or descendent of a veteran to join this Association.Participation from a meeting standpoint is not essential .This initiation drive is being activated to ensure that the annual Remembrance Day Parade held on a Sunday in early November continue for future years and future generations. The Havre Boucher Veterans Association is dependent on the support of the community and those descendants of the brave women and men who served in both World Wars and made the sacrifice to keep our freedom and especially those who gave their lives and made the “Supreme Sacrifice”
After joining our Association we would also encourage all members to join the Royal Canadian Legion of their choice. And please join the annual parade from the Fire Hall to the Cenotaph on our local Remembrance Day ceremonies, surely a small sacrifice compared to War.
Fill in the accompanying application form and mail along with a small fee of $5. 00 for membership dues to: (Please photocopy for other members of your family).
Secretary, Havre Boucher Veterans Association P.O. BOX 14 Havre Boucher, Ant. Co., NS. BOH 1PO
Application for Membership Havre Boucher Veterans Association
Address:______________________________________________________Address:_______________________ Prov. Postal Code: _______________
Veteran’s Name:__________________________________
Telephone # _____________________ e-mail address________________
Note: If you are applying, please print this page and mail it to the address above.